Thursday 5 June 2014

Bad Credit Cards - 10 Things You Need To Know

Bad Credit Cards : 
A credit card can be a blessing in disguise when you have no cash in your pocket. It is also a convenient way to carry money and is much easier to make payments with credit cards. But there are instances when credit cards can become bad for you. In fact, if not used with proper care, a credit card can ruin your finances completely. Here are 10 things you should know to recognize that your credit card is bad:
  1. When you do not pay your bills on time: The first rule of using credit cards is to pay before the due date. If you fail to do this, you will be charged an exorbitant interest on the unpaid amount, which can be as high as 3.5% per month. Continuing this will not only entangle you in a financial mess, but it will also harm your credit score significantly. Further, late payment fees can harm you as well.
  2. When you exceed your credit limit: Banks set the credit limit based on your credit standing, spend patterns etc. It is advisable not to spend more than 75% of the credit limit. If the credit limit is breached, it will again harm your credit score. Some banks stop usage of card when this happens.
  3. When you regularly pay only the minimum amount payable: Paying the minimum amount can allow you to continue using the card. But remember that the unpaid amount goes into revolving credit and attracts interest. This ballooning of credit can definitely land you in trouble.
  4. When you spend excessively albeit within the credit limit: Some credit card users take care not to exceed the credit limit, but do not think much about spending prudently. Remember that spending too close to the credit limit can also harm your credit score. Further, when you spend excessively, your finances can be greatly harmed, because at the end of the day, you will be the one to pay the bill.
  5. When you use it to regularly withdraw cash: Credit cards allow you to withdraw cash. This feature should be used in an emergency. However, when this is made a habit, it can burn a hole in your pocket, as the charges for cash withdrawal are quite steep.
  6. When you use your card only to get reward points: Sometimes, one uses the credit card only to gather reward points. If this becomes a habit, then you may end up spending excessively on unnecessary things.
  7. When you use multiple cards: Using multiple cards can again land you in trouble. You may end up paying bills throughout the month as the payment becomes due for the different cards on different dates.
  8. When you spend excessively while traveling abroad: Almost all major credit cards allow you to use them when you are traveling abroad. While this looks convenient, remember to check on the charges for such usage. Also don’t forget the exchange rate differential. It may be less expensive to use other payment modes when traveling abroad like using prepaid cards or travelers cheques.
  9. When you are not careful about your CVV and PIN: Carelessness on the CVV or PIN of your credit card can again make your credit card ‘bad’ for you. This means you are giving an opportunity for someone else to use your card. This is disastrous and therefore you must be extremely careful of such passwords.
  10. When you constantly transfer your balance to new cards: Some people transfer their unpaid balance to a new card or another existing card, if they are unable to pay it. You may save on the interest temporarily, but the interest will start to accrue after the initial period. Further, you will also have to pay balance transfer charges.

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